The assessment on Institutional Capacity Assessment and Capacity Development Plan preparation for IWM (Okhaldhunga & Khotang)
With promulgation of new constituion of Nepal, the responsibility of watershed managedment falls under shared responsibilities of all 3 tiers of government. Climate resilient integrated watershed management is a cross sectoral multi dimensional efforts of governments and beneficiaries. With the changed political context of the country, the institutions concerned to watershed management and its policies are also reformed to fit in the new context, however, big gaps in the institutional capacity has been realized as a key barrier to integrated watershed management. Realizing the fact, under collaboration with UNDP’s DCRL project, AID Nepal carried out an assessement of institutional capacity at all 3 tiers of government-federal, provincial and local- to identify key capacity gaps and recommend long term capacity development interventions as continuous professional capacity development plan under three key areas of technical, functional and resources mainly at organization level, individual level and enabling environment level.